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Category: I Make Things Pretty

as promised: pictures!

as promised: pictures!

So finally I got all my pictures from New England uploaded to Flickr! It took forever, but they’re there. I’ll include a few highlights then some links so you can see more if you’re interested. :-) (By the way, you can download the original size from Flickr if you ever want to turn any of my pictures into prints… Though I would ask that you always give me the credit as the photographer. :-)) First, here are the three albums…

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a graphic designer's nightmare

a graphic designer's nightmare

This is an actual dream I had a few nights ago. I was designing a flyer or something for someone. I was working on the computer, getting all the text and the pictures to look nice. At one point, I left the computer to go do something. When I came back, one of my former coworkers (also a graphic designer) was sitting at the computer. She said, “I messed with the fonts and stuff to make it look nicer!” She…

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yeah, I know it's 4:30am

yeah, I know it's 4:30am

I cannot sleep. I have tried this whole going-to-bed thing, and I only succeeded in waking Paul up because I was bored and wanted to talk to him. I kept thinking of all the things I need to do, and I realized – why am I laying in bed thinking about this? Why don’t I actually DO it? Besides the fact that it’s cold outside my bed, of course. A month or two ago, a friend recommended a site called…

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and you thought i forgot

and you thought i forgot

So remember this? Well, tonight Paul and I FINALLY hung the stuff on the walls and I cleaned the living room, and decided to get some pictures! I hope you like the new look! Here is a picture of my living room before I started (more pictures if you follow the link above): I have been working on it off and on over the past 6 months. Here is the (almost) finished product (haha, I feel like this is Extreme…

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