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Month: April 2011

cute things Savi does

cute things Savi does

She’s at that age! She’s starting to talk, and it’s so cute. * She has finally learned how to ask for agua (water). Except she says “adua”. It’s adorable. * She LOVES dolls. She calls them all “baby” (so cute!). We got her a baby a month or so ago, and she’s obsessed with that thing. She asks for it all the time and God forbid we leave it at home while we’re out! She also likes to hold onto…

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how much things can change in a year!

how much things can change in a year!

Tomorrow marks one year since Paul and I first visited our church. We attended off and on for a few months, but I think by July we were committed and we haven’t looked back! It was fun to reread this post I wrote a year ago, about my initial thoughts about this church. The biggest thing I noticed about reading what I wrote is that after three years of attending our former church, we were still struggling to make friends….

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car for sael

car for sael

I spotted this sign a few days ago in a parking lot here in Atlanta. It made me laugh: And if you go to this link and vote on the picture, then maybe it will appear on the failblog homepage. :-) That would be cool!



Paul is never, ever sick. Before this week, he called into work sick only twice during his almost 5 years at CNN. This past Monday, he called me in the afternoon saying he felt sick. I offered to pick him up, and he immediately accepted which surprised me. He was really feverish, so I put him to bed and got him Gatorade and chicken soup. Tuesday he called in sick. It was so weird to have him around the house!…

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our family

our family

Here is a family picture that we took for our church directory. I thought I’d share since we so rarely get a picture of the three of us. :-)