MySpace and other things

MySpace and other things

So I finally gave in and joined MySpace. Actually, “gave in” is the wrong word since really no one was pressuring me, except for Paul who was pressuring me not to join MySpace. But I felt left out of the world of MySpace and so I joined. :-) Paul and I had fun customizing the look and feel. Let me tell you, my initial opinion is that MySpace is clunky and hard to use. And slow. And I’m forever running into pages that don’t exist or server error or something. So I doubt I will be spending a lot of time there, although I might cross-post my blogs there… hmm…

So a list of all the things I’ve joined:

MySpace (

Xanga (


Blogger (I now have a blogger profile!)

And I think that’s it… I’ll add more if I think of them.

Other things that have been on my mind:

Ann is out of town so I’ve been “cat sitting”. I enjoy being by myself (don’t have to make the bed, don’t have to close the door to get dressed), but I think I’ll be glad when she gets back. The cats really miss her, I think… She gets back on Friday so only a few more days.

This past weekend I received a book I ordered entitled “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler. Excellent book. I think all women should read it. I never knew all this information about my own body, and it explains some things I’ve experienced as being perfectly normal part of your cycle. The book is pretty thick and goes into great detail; I wish she made a booklet version for people just interested in the subject of women’s cycles. Anyways, if you want to know more I would highly recommend this book.

Paul and I went on a long walk the other day. We guessed it was about four miles. I really enjoyed it. There are woods that run behind my apartment complex, and as we were walking we noticed all sorts of paths through the woods. We decided that we are going to go explore sometime when not wearing sandals and flip-flops. :-)

Work has been very stressful these days. Memorial Day weekend is one of the biggest weekends for retailers, and so we are in the midst of Memorial Day ads right now. They were all due to the printer yesterday, but a lot of them are going to be late. It’s frustrating because I’ve had four jobs change from an imprint (no changes from the template) to full customs (complete changes, including product and overall themes and colors) – all in the past couple of days. I have been struggling to keep on top of things. Our bonus is directly tied to the amount of jobs we send to the printer on time (yesterday) but so many of my jobs are going to be late because the dealers keep coming back with changes (we have until Thursday to turn in files to the printer). *sigh* I just want them to approve their ads so I can get them to the printer and out of my office!

Well after that I should go since I’m at work – although I wrote the majority of this post last night. I just didn’t have a good ending – does anyone else have trouble ending their posts? Mine will sit for a couple of days just because I can’t think of a good ending. Okay I’m really stopping writing now.

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