

Paul is never, ever sick. Before this week, he called into work sick only twice during his almost 5 years at CNN. This past Monday, he called me in the afternoon saying he felt sick. I offered to pick him up, and he immediately accepted which surprised me. He was really feverish, so I put him to bed and got him Gatorade and chicken soup. Tuesday he called in sick. It was so weird to have him around the house! But he wasn’t really there – he slept much of the day, coming out only a few times. He went to work today, saying he had a lot he needed to get done, but he still felt pretty terrible. I picked him up as soon as his last meeting was done, and took him to the doctor (per his request). I had to drop him off because Savannah was much too hyper to wait quietly in a waiting room. Also, since I didn’t know I wasn’t coming right back home, I didn’t have her diaper bag or any toys with me.

While we waited for Daddy, I noticed Savannah’s diaper had leaked badly. I think that was contributing to her fussiness, so we went to a nearby drug store and picked up a small pack of diapers. I feel like this is the second time this has happened, so I’m thinking leaving a few diapers in the car for emergencies is probably a good idea! I also went to Target and found a cute little skirt on clearance to replace her wet pants, and because I hate the look of sposies and no pants. :-)

Anyways, the diagnosis was a bacterial infection. Paul was advised to stay home from work tomorrow, and to stay away from the two of us as he is still contagious. He was also given some antibiotics.

That’s the current adventure in our lives. Pretty boring, I know. I just hope neither Savannah nor I get sick either!

3 thoughts on “sickness

  1. I used to keep a bucket of things in the car at all times. Wipes, diapers, extra set of clothes for each of the kids etc under the seat of the car….it’s really helpful when things like this happen :) That reminds me., I need to repack it and put it back in! Hope Paul is feeling somewhat better today!

  2. Yeah I need to do that too!! First I have to unpack the car from our trip last weekend. :-) That will provide more room!! (Oh who am I kidding? I need to unpack it from our New England trip last January!!)

  3. I am sorry Paul is sick. AJ got sick with a stomach thing last week. It was the first time he had been sick since I have known him. So, I know what you mean that it is weird to have him home during the day, but not really be home because he was asleep all day.

    We keep a change of clothes in the car for us now, along with other things like toothbrushes, but I guess when Bug gets here I will need to start keeping stuff for him there too. I am really thinking we need a minivan for just one kid with the amount of stuff we already tote around.

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