my house currently looks like a disaster zone
Neither cleaning nor decorating happened last night. In fact, I ended up doing the opposite – making more of a mess. I decided to call and set up an appointment to get our carpet cleaned, thinking it would be a week or two. Nope, they were able to make an appointment and come out today. So last night Paul and I took everything out of the den in preparation. I really hope this helps!! It really stank down there. The guy who cleaned the carpets put a special enzyme pet treatment on the carpets for the smell. He said for future messes, we should spray a half/half combo of water and white vinegar.
The vet suggested that cleaning the carpets and ridding downstairs of the smell would probably really help. I hope so! Ebony seems to be doing MUCH better with her urinary tract infection, which is one of the reasons why she was going everywhere. My fingers are crossed that things start getting better at this point!!
So with everything from the den in our dining and living rooms, it has only gotten MORE messy. Definitely no decorating tonight. In fact, I can’t even get to my sink due to the cat condo being placed in front of it. (Don’t worry, I try not to use the kitchen if I can help it. :-)) Tomorrow we can put the furniture back. I’m trying to think if we want to mix up the arrangement at all. The previous arrangement was rather haphazard, as we seemed to just add furniture wherever we could fit it.
As we were moving stuff upstairs, I kept seeing things that I wanted to sell or take to Goodwill. I am excited! Those shelves in the den have become a catch-all for everything and desperately need to be cleaned off and organized. I need to make sure I am updating my declutter list. :-) I will post it in parts, but not every day so no one gets annoyed at me. ;-)
Oh and another big thing. I mentioned that the modem and wireless were going on the laptop. I say modem not because I actually know that, but because even when we were plugged into the wall at my parents’ house, I was still having trouble with the internet. On Monday we bought a laptop and it arrived yesterday!! I am really excited. I am in the process of loading everything onto this laptop. While Savannah took a nap today I tried Hulu and it worked perfectly! Actually, I can’t believe the internet is so fast. I thought it was because of our slow speeds but in reality it was the computer. I am so grateful we were able to find a laptop within our budget so fast. In some ways I guess it was good that this happened around Black Friday/Cyber Monday. :-)