happy graduation day
Last weekend, Paul and I (and Savannah) drove up to North Carolina to watch my sister get her diploma! I can’t believe she’s a college graduate now! I’m so proud of her, and I hope she’s able to find a job soon doing what she loves. Her major was outdoor education, so she’s looking at camps and other outdoorsy type jobs. I hope she ends up close enough that we still get to see her frequently! I’ve enjoyed her being only 4 hours away in NC.
I think Amy is one of the coolest people in the world, so I was excited to see her again. :-) My parents and grandparents and us shared a cottage near Amy’s college campus, which was nice. I enjoyed being with them! My brother and his wife also drove up from Florida for the graduation, which marked the first time ever my whole family made it to a graduation! (Amy missed my high school, I missed AJ & Amy’s high school, my dad missed my college, and everyone missed AJ’s college)
Some pictures!
Amy and Savannah
What Savannah did during the entire graduation
I didn’t get a picture of Amy accepting her diploma because I was videotaping. It was a really nice ceremony, though. It reminded me of Taylor – small Christian college graduation. :-) After the graduation, we went back to the cottage and two of my aunts came and threw a graduation party for Amy. It was fun to sit back and visit with my family! I hope Amy enjoyed it too. A good weekend all in all.