what a weekend!
And it’s not over yet! :-)
We have had a really busy yet fulfilling weekend! Yesterday evening Paul and I went to see Prince Caspian. More on that later, but we loved it! :-) Then today I woke up early to help our friends move to their new house! Let me say, we LOVE their new house. Paul and I helped them move a few loads last week, and we both commented after we left that it was exactly the kind of house we’d love to have. Sometimes you don’t know what you are looking for until you see it, you know what I mean?
Paul had to work this morning but I was able to help out. I helped load and unload boxes all morning, and had some nice social time with a bunch of people from our Sunday School class. I remarked to Paul that I feel we’ve gotten to know everyone better in the past few months, versus last fall. I think with the changing weather we’re all itching to get outside and it certainly is lovely. We are both enjoying the friendships we’re making.
I got home about the same time as Paul, so we got in the car again and headed to a nearby state park with a bunch of hiking trails. We went there for Easter Sunday and hiked 5+ miles, but today we only did about 3 or 4 miles. The vegetation has thickened since March, and at times we had trouble seeing the river we were walking alongside. We spotted an abandoned snakeskin, a cute little chipmunk, and an empty bird’s nest on the ground. Despite the fact that I was so tired from moving all morning, I felt really invigorated in the fresh air and sunshine and we both really enjoyed ourselves. When we went camping last, we went ahead and bought an annual state park pass for our car in hopes it would force us to visit this place more often! (last time we scrambled around trying to find enough cash for the parking fee, and I must admit that fee was preventing us from returning)
After that, neither of us felt like going home, so we decided to drive around a little. I wanted to check out an area of town that I was interested in looking at houses. We drove around and I fell in love. Then I learned that houses seem to start around $300k in that area. (And we didn’t even go in the neighborhoods that had the nicely manicured lawns and big houses!) It’s all location, location, location… and to tell you the truth, I’m sold. I would definitely buy in that area if I had the money! We’ve been talking a lot about long term where we want to end up living (even if we rent for many more years before buying). The more we talk about different areas of Atlanta, the more I realize that Paul doesn’t want to retreat to the suburbs but rather stay close to the city. To be honest, the best way to have both worlds is to live near (within 10-15 minutes driving) a train station. So it’s exciting to narrow our search somewhat, but also frustrating because the neighborhoods are either SOO expensive or areas that I really don’t want to raise a family – there is no middle ground. Go figure!
Anyways, we enjoyed driving around nonetheless and now my heart is sold on a new area of town so I’ll put my Internet skills to work and see if I can find a place for us to live. :-)
Tomorrow we have our last Sunday School class until the fall, and we also have a barbeque luncheon after church. After that there is a seminar at our church that Paul and I are taking, and then finally we’ll get a chance to relax. ;-) A busy weekend, but really fulfilling in my mind. I also am excited that I exercised so much this week, between working out three times, then moving all morning, then going on a hike. I feel so much better if nothing else!