time flies when you're having fun
6 months ago:
It’s been a wonderful 6 months. :-) Here’s to a wonderful 50 more years!
In honor of our anniversary, I wanted to post our vows from our wedding. We wrote them ourselves, and I think I need to be reminded of the promises I made to him on our wedding day.
Paul, I promise to stand by your side as your wife, loving and supporting you for the rest of our lives, no matter what. I promise to be your helpmate, putting you and our family first and foremost. I vow to always try to lift you up and encourage you, being more attentive to your needs than my own. I will serve you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. I will strive to be a Christlike example to you and our children. I promise to work with you through any problems without giving up, to be polite, honest, kind, and loving in everything we do. I want to bring out the best in you and be a blessing in your life. I love you, from now until eternity.
And his vows to me:
I promise to always be there to love and support you through good and bad times; to lift you up and encourage you in prayer and deeds. I will strive to be the leader that God intended, being an example of Christ’s love for His church. I promise to be attentive to your needs spiritually and physically and to train our children up in the Lord. I will strive to bring out the best in you for you bring out the best in me. I promise to never give up on this union but with all determination to work through our problems in a manner that is loving, kind and considerate to you. I promise to love you for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health for as long as I have breath.
I love you, Paul. :-)