monday monday
I can’t believe it’s almost lunchtime! I feel like the day just started. This morning I have been working on little things, changes here and there for various jobs. I recently learned if I write every little thing I have to do down on a post-it note, and cross them off when I complete them, I am able to stay on task better. Also I get a secret satisfaction of crossing things off, even if it’s something simple like “Print email”. I am always looking for things to help me stay on task. Quitting Firefox helps too. :-) (But that doesn’t happen very much!)
This weekend was fun. After Paul got off work, I met him at the train station and we went shopping (always a favorite pasttime for me!). We stopped in Petsmart to get more catfood. I recently switched to a new brand – Hill’s Science Diet – that helps control hairballs. We had been having a lot of trouble with Lewis, and I think the new brand has really helped. It’s a little on the expensive side, but the vet recommended it and it’s worth it not having to always clean up hairball messes on the carpet. :-) This time we got the “Light” to help Lewis lose a little weight. I feel like I hardly feed him anything (1/2 cup dry food a day and 2 tablespoons of tuna), yet he looks so pudgy! Oh well, as long as he stays around 10 lbs he’ll be okay.
After Petsmart, we stopped at CompUSA and bought a laptop. :-) Thus begins our computer switching… exciting stuff! We wanted the laptop for portability reasons, and to have a second computer used mostly for Internet and AIM. For our wedding, my brother gave us a bunch of nice computer parts, about which Paul is really excited. We’re going to rebuild my desktop with the best parts, and have that as the main computer. Then we’ll take the other computer (Paul’s desktop) and use it as a Linux box. I have convinced Paul not to get a Mac for now, but that will come somewhere down the line. Paul is very excited about all this; a tri-operating system family. I personally like the laptop – being able to sit in front of the TV and still use the computer, work in the bedroom or on the porch, or use it elsewhere like when we travel.
On Sunday my parents were speaking at a church down south of Atlanta. It was the church my Dad’s parents went to before they passed away. It was fun – some of the people remembered me from when I was a toddler, and now they got to meet Paul. I also enjoyed seeing my parents again. Sunday evening Paul and I relaxed, watched some Gilmore Girls, enjoyed pizza and homemade strawberry ice cream. Now back in the swing of things… sigh.
Oh and for those who are interested, I posted my thoughts about working wives on my other blog.