presents in the mail
Everyone loves mail. Especially presents. Especially presents you’ve been really really wanting for a long time. :-) I came home for lunch today to find that FedEx had come bearing gifts for me! I present to you a present that two dear people got for me (see to the right). I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I promise to design lots of stuff for you. :-) Just let me know.
This is going to do wonders for my desire to keep focused! :-D
I feel more organized today. I think lists always help. Only 142 days until I marry my best friend! And he moves to Atlanta in 17 days. Hooray! The weather is gorgeous here in Atlanta; I can’t conceptualize the snow that Paul reports is in Rhode Island. When Paul gets here, we’re going to go take some engagement pictures by all the trees in bloom – the dogwoods are especially breathtaking. They remind me of a bride in all her white glory. And that line reminds me of Anne Shirley of Green Gables… The White Way of Delight. Spring has turned into one of my favorite seasons. I loved fall in Indiana, but spring in Atlanta is divine.