changes on my website
Well I’ve decided to delete my current personal website. I am going to redesign it, and incorporate my blog into it, but that will all be “someday”. In the meantime, I am trying to find a hosting server because I have to get my stuff off the CSS server. Any advice? We found one company which offers 1000 MB for $5/month, and 2000 MB + CGI script support (php) + 1 MySQL database for $10/month. Is that good? Paul said we should compare that to other companies, so I’m curious what else is out there. All you techies, inform me!
It’s been cool here; I turned off the air condition. My cats like that, because I leave the porch door open. I always feel bad turning my air conditioning off during the day because I don’t know how hot it gets around noon/early afternoon. Poor kitties, they can’t take off their fur coats. They don’t seem to be any worse for the wear though, and they are contentedly chasing bugs on the porch as we speak.
10 days till Paul gets here!