

I love personality tests. I’m totally one of those girls who always stops and takes the little quizzes in the magazines. So when I was wandering in Gerig the other night, and happened to start talking to Elizabeth about Myers-Briggs, my interest was immediately piqued. Now I haven’t been tested since my freshman year, but after reading the website she gave me ( I decided that I’m either an ESFJ or an IFSJ. I fit the characteristics of an extrovert when it comes to relationships, but in other aspects of my life (such as careers) I fit the introvert better. But the two are pretty similar, in my opinion. Here are some of the things which fit me really well (from the ISFJ):
– constantly take in information about people and situations that is personally important to them, and store it away
– exceptional memory about things that are important to their value systems
– value security and kindness, and respect traditions and laws
– well-developed sense of space, function, and aesthetic appeal
– great gift-givers – finding the right gift which will be truly appreciated by the recipient
– extremely aware of their own internal feelings, as well as other people’s feelings
– strong sense of responsibility and duty
– “ISFJs need positive feedback from others. In the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the ISFJ gets discouraged, and may even become depressed. When down on themselves or under great stress, the ISFJ begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life. They have strong feelings of inadequacy, and become convinced that ‘everything is all wrong’, or ‘I can’t do anything right’.”

However, when it comes to relationships and interacting with other people, I’m much more like the ESFJ (the extrovert). I have been trying to develop my spiritual gift of being an encourager, and I find that when I encourage people, I feel that God blesses and reenergizes me. Perhaps that is why I am closer to being an extrovert when it comes to relationships.

This is all so fascinating to me. It’s like the study of birth order, another subject which fascinates me. I’m such a complete typical firstborn… but that’s another subject for another time. :-)

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