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Tag: church

sunday ponderings: fighting for simplicity

sunday ponderings: fighting for simplicity

Today’s sermon was really, really good. Our pastor is doing a series called “The Fight” – about time management in our busy schedules of today. Today’s sermon audio isn’t on the website yet, but when it is available you can listen to it here. For now, I’ll try to summarize the message from my notes. He talked about simplicity not being measured by the quantity of possessions and responsibilities, but rather by the narrowness of one’s focus. Our pastor defined…

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sunday ponderings: reflection

sunday ponderings: reflection

This Sunday, Paul and I visited the Sunday evening service that our church offers. It’s called “The Gathering”, and it’s for college and young adults. We had heard it was mostly singles, but we wanted to check it out anyways. We had an interesting experience, and I really wish I had attended there when I first moved to Atlanta, for the year that I was here and Paul was in Rhode Island. It doesn’t really fit us anymore, but I…

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sunday ponderings: more depth

sunday ponderings: more depth

We had a guest pastor today – the high school youth pastor spoke. He started off by recounting a story of someone who approached him and chided him for only preaching the Bible, and not going “deeper”. “How can you get more depth than the Gospel?” he told the congregation. He said a few things that stuck with me. One was, “You can always go deeper in the Bible. You can always go deeper with your relationship with God.” You…

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sunday ponderings: forgiveness

sunday ponderings: forgiveness

I apologize for the break in the Sunday Ponderings. With Christmas, traveling, and with skipping church a couple of weeks in a row, it was just easier for me to take a break. :-) A few weeks ago we were visiting a church in another city. At one point in the service something interesting happened. The pastor announced that there was going to be a baptism, and he called two couples to the front. He put his arms around one…

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sunday ponderings: the church

sunday ponderings: the church

We had a guest pastor today, Steve Brown. He’s a pretty frequent guest pastor at our church, and I actually know him from the church I used to attend in Orlando (I know, small world!). I really enjoy what he has to say, and today was no exception. Today’s sermon was entitled “Church R Us”. He started out by reminding us how bad we (the church) are – that we’re all sinners and none of us “have it all together”….

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