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Category: My Soapboxes

I want to take a moment…

I want to take a moment…

I considered going dark today in protest of SOPA and PIPA, but I thought it probably wasn’t worth the effort since my blogging has been very infrequent. However, I wanted to share some links because I had too many to share on Facebook. :-) To learn more about SOPA and PIPA and why this legislation is concerning people, please take a moment to read Google’s statement. You can also sign a petition. It looks like the “Internet Blackout” today…

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suddenly flying becomes a lot more complicated

suddenly flying becomes a lot more complicated

The past few days I’ve been reading up about the changes TSA has been making, as they implement the new full-body scanners at airports around the country. It has really been bothering me, the more I read about it. The basic premise is that every passenger is a terrorist, and you are required to prove you aren’t before they let you fly. That goes against the “innocent until proven guilty” ideology of our justice system. What’s next, being required to…

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something needs to be done

something needs to be done

I was talking to my mom tonight and I was surprised to hear that she hadn’t heard about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). So, I sent her a link and I decided that I’d blog about it here to help promote awareness. This is something I feel very strongly against. I think it’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater – and in general I oppose laws that do that. If you don’t know what I am talking…

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What I Believe: Missions

What I Believe: Missions

(I originally wrote this on April 4th, 2006. I wrote it just to sort through some of my thoughts. I’m not trying to put anyone down. Read more What I Believe posts at The Natural Mommy!) I had a long conversation with my roommate last night about missions, and I realized how near and dear to my heart missions is. While I do not feel led to the mission field myself, I am excited about supporting missionaries financially and through…

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seriously, folks

seriously, folks

Okay seriously. Are we the land of the free or the land of laws? Don’t you think sometimes we should stop passing laws for common sense things? I feel this way about this subject also.