I want to take a moment…

I want to take a moment…

I considered going dark today in protest of SOPA and PIPA, but I thought it probably wasn’t worth the effort since my blogging has been very infrequent. However, I wanted to share some links because I had too many to share on Facebook. :-)

To learn more about SOPA and PIPA and why this legislation is concerning people, please take a moment to read Google’s statement. You can also sign a petition.

It looks like the “Internet Blackout” today is making people take notice…

Signing petitions and blacking out your site in protest are one thing, but what really makes a difference is to contact your representatives. Curious where they stand in support or opposition to SOPA and PIPA? Enter your address here:

Please take a moment to call, write, do whatever you need to contact your representatives and urge them to vote “no”.

For more information and an helpful “take action checklist”, go here:

Screenshots of some of the sites that were down today:

And it looks like the MPAA is known for their forward thinking…

Thirty years before SOPA, the MPAA was in Washington, demanding legislative protection from a new and dangerous technology: the VCR.

I’ll update this post as I see any other interesting links.

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