Late night thoughts
Well it’s 2am and I’m laying in bed trying to calm my racing mind. I get like this sometimes – too many thoughts all demanding attention.
I want to write a blog post about our trip, but that will have to wait until I can include pictures. They’re all up on Flickr – I am pretty good about uploading pics – but I can’t do it easily from my phone.
Summer activities have wound down. Fall activities have started. I love summer… traveling, relaxed schedules, warm weather, sundresses and sandals, ice cream… Summer has so many happy memories for me.
I love fall, too. I love feeling the chill in the air; a nice change after a hot summer. I love being able to hang outside again without all the killer bugs trying to make a lunch out of you. We have a long driveway and the girls just love playing on it. I love apples and pumpkins and hot cider. I love trees changing colors, the upcoming holidays. Paul hard at work making pies. Hopefully another trip to pick apples up in the North Georgia mountains.
Life is settling into a bit of a routine. I think it’s better when we stay home, but I get antsy and want to leave. So, we’re still working out the kinks. We’re on week 3 of homeschooling. I was going to blog more about that… but well I haven’t been as eager to share as I thought. And, I feel like all blog posts should be accompanied with pictures, but that just holds up the process.
I have a couple things in the works right now that I’m excited about. I’m not going to share details right now, but it’s related to a future career path for me. I’m picking up some freelance design work to hopefully pay for the necessary schooling… hopefully it all comes together this year.
I’m have trouble with my legs/feet these days. On my left foot, I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with spider veins. I need compression stockings and he told me to keep my foot elevated. I actually laughed, since I feel like I sit too much as it is and don’t do things like laundry, dishes, etc.
My other problem is that my sciatica has really hit. I can feel it from my lower back to my knee, and the pain is sharp and intense. It’s been a while since I’ve had trouble this bad. I’m so glad the pain responds to chiropractic treatment and everything should hopefully be back to normal soon. The funny thing is sitting aggravates the sciatica, and I feel better when I walk around. Which of course makes my other foot throb and ache. I can’t win!
I’ve been reading a lot recently. I tore through all my Mary Stewart books (I own 7 in all). I really love all of them. Such great books. Now my desire to visit Greece is rekindled. I also read “Anna and the King of Siam” which was a super fascinating book. However, after I was done, I started Googling and found out that it’s not as close to the truth as the author thought. Apparently, Anna was a bit of a con artist – embellishing things to make herself look better. That was interesting as well, though a little sad since she seems like such an interesting person in the book.
I think that is all for now. I probably should go to bed… I’m starting to yawn!
One thought on “Late night thoughts”
I had to stop blogging regularly about homeschool because it ate up too much of my time. How do other mamas do it?! Hope you’re feeling better!
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