Happy Valentine’s Day!
I meant to post this *on* Valentine’s Day, but here we are a week later… Story of my life. ;-) We had a fun day. I’ve never paid much attention to Valentine’s Day before, but once you have kids it is a lot of fun. It is what you make of it.
Paul woke up insanely early and bought purple flowers for me. Beautiful! He also made me breakfast in bed, and helped me get Savannah ready for school. I loved it.
It was Caroline’s first Valentine’s Day! Her grandparents sent her an adorable little outfit. They also sent a hairband, but I completely forgot to put it on her.
My gift to Paul – a collage of pictures from the past 11 years we’ve been together.
For Savannah’s class at school, I decided to make heart-shaped rice krispie treats. They were easy and unique, and came out exactly how I wanted! We used pink marshmallows. The intention was to have Savannah help me make them, but a migraine took me out and Paul ended up making them after she went to bed.