our trip to orlando
I’ve needed to write this post, but I’ve been unsure how to go about it.
I went down to Orlando for a few days last week. It was a quick trip, came in the middle of a really busy season (with Christmas events), and I never really explained why I went. The truth is, I went to take my kitties down to my parents and leave them there. Is it ironic that this happened on the 6th anniversary of me getting them?
My parents offered to take them a while ago, on the condition that if the cats start acting up at their house my parents have free reign to rehome them however they wish (which includes a kill shelter). At the time of their offer, I was not comfortable with that. After I found out that Ebony had a urinary tract infection which explained the increase in frequency, I decided to give it another go. She was doing much better, but there were still a few accidents. And I was reaching the end of my rope.
I’ve been an emotional wreck, to be honest. Packing up their things was so hard. When I left Orlando and went to say goodbye to Ebony, she hid from me. That’s normal – she always hides in anticipation of a car ride. But I was sad I didn’t get to give her one last head scratch.
Part of me feels guilty that I had to do this, and part of me feels guilty for being glad they’re gone.
To be honest, being at my parents’ is probably the best alternative solution. The cats have always come with us when we have gone to Orlando, so they are familiar with the house. They’re familiar with my parents and my parents know them. There is a huge screened-in porch where the kitties can spend their days “outside” without the dangers of actually being outside. They’ll get love and head scratches, and no little babies to disrupt things. Also, I’ll be able to see them again when I go visit.
I really hope this works out. In the meantime, I can’t believe our house won’t have those cute faces waiting in the window for us every time we come home. It really seems weird to come home to a truly empty house. I can’t believe that “twentysixcats” does not have a cat anymore.
So now I enter Christmas week a little sad and a little trying not to think about it.