a little closer to decorating…

a little closer to decorating…

So this week I made some progress with decorating! I got some pretty red bows and put them on the outside of the windows and on the front door. I really wanted to get some candles to put in the windows, too, but Hobby Lobby was out. That’s on my list for next year, because I *love* the look of candles in windows at Christmas! I also tied another bow around the mailbox.

We bought our tree today. We hope to put it up tomorrow – exciting! I think I’m just going to take all the excess junk in the living room and throw it in the den. I am just not feeling like sorting through it right now. :-) In my defense, I’ve been pretty busy with other things. My to-do list is so long!

I have a few presents that I am making. I have really been enjoying my sewing machine! I wish I could talk more about my projects but the receivers read this blog. :-) So I will wait. I took some pictures though and I might do a show-and-tell after Christmas. I can say that cleaning out the craft dresser in the guest room not only helped make it more organized, but also allowed me to really see everything I have. Some of this stuff I got years ago and completely forgot about it! I am excited to use my mad skillz for presents for others.

This past week I renewed my car tag and my driver’s license – it’s that time of year again. Georgia has your car tag expire on your birthday which is SO ANNOYING when your birthday falls around Christmas. Also, Georgia charges a “luxury tax” – i.e. if you have a nicer vehicle, then you pay more in taxes. I keep hoping that our registration costs will go down, but it seems that they’re holding steady. *sigh* I should get my license in the mail in 30 days. It’s the first time my address on my license matches my actual residence since I got married! That’s exciting. I was sad to give up my old license, though. I had gotten it when I changed my name, and the picture of me as a newlywed just brings back happy memories.

Also on my to-do list is volunteering with a local ministry that helps underprivileged kids. I have been coordinating with our church to get sponsors for the kids. All the gifts are due tomorrow (or, later today since it’s 10 minutes after midnight). The next three days are going to be kinda crazy as I make sure all the kids received their gifts and I drop them off at the location where they will be distributed. I am in charge of 25 kids total, some of whom our church sponsored and some were sponsored by other people. I have to get in touch with all the sponsors and make sure the gifts were bought and delivered.

Next week, I need to focus on cleaning. We are having a family from our church over for Christmas Day. This is my first time hosting such a meal (though, I did do a Thanksgiving meal a few years ago). Not only do I need to think through the menu, but I also need to clean really well. One of the people coming is allergic to cats and dust. The cats won’t be here, but I need to make sure their hair isn’t floating around in corners and such. Our house needs to be spic and span! I am tempted to hire a maid :-) but I know it’s silly to pay for someone to do something I am perfectly capable (and have the time). On top of all this, I want to make sure the house looks festive and decorated. So, a lot to do!

Well it was nice to check in with y’all but I realize as I type all this that I really should stop writing about it and start working on a few of these projects! Namely, the presents that I need to have finished by Wednesday so I can deliver them to the appropriate recipient. I know it sounds busy, but I do love this time of year!

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