Savannah’s River costume
For our Firefly party this weekend, I spent a while trying to think of a good costume for Savannah. At first I was just going to go with a generic baby – I found a pattern of a cute little dress with a pinafore, a la 19th century old west. It seemed appropriate. Then I realized, why not dress her up as one of the characters? I knew immediately that I wanted to do River Tam. Savannah’s middle name is, after all, River. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off since I haven’t really sewn anything before, but I am excited to say I think her costume looks great!
First, I used this picture for inspiration.
I found a pattern for a pretty simple dress, and got red fabric. Then I got some gold brocade fabric for the vest thing. My mom was visiting this past weekend, so she helped me make the red dress and I did the gold vest by myself. They aren’t perfect, but don’t look half bad for my first attempt! I’m excited. Here are pictures of Savannah:
How cute are these boots?
I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find the right boots, but they had some great ones at Target! (I bought the boots first – I wouldn’t have done the River costume otherwise.)
The vest goes down and around in the back.
Look, she’s sitting up all by herself! :-) I was able to get this picture before she fell over, hehe. Still – she’s doing well at the sitting up thing! Now we just need to work on rolling over…
So what do you think? Did I capture the look okay? It was a lot of fun to make River’s, I mean Savannah’s, dress, and I’m excited to be sewing! I keep getting excited about putting my sewing machine to good use!
12 thoughts on “Savannah’s River costume”
Oh my goodness, I LOVE it! I think you did a fantastic job! I bet everyone at the party (it has already transpired, right?) absolutely gushed over her! Good work! I trust you’ll be participating in my next craft day, then? hehe.
The party is this upcoming Sunday. I wanted to get some pictures here in Atlanta because in New England she’s going to have to wear a shirt underneath for warmth, and it won’t look as good. :-)
Oh, I LOVE it! That is the exact costume I am making for MY River costume! I will definitely have to get a picture taken with her.
That’s great, Ashley! She looks adorable in it! If only I could learn to sew…
That is nothing short of fabulous! She looks great! And so big! When did she get that big?
Great job! – for you on the outfit and for Savannah sitting up by herself!
I agree with everyone else. You did an awesome job. I still want to see pictures of your and Paul’s costumes! :)
Wow! Little Savannah River is living up to her name- the River costume looks great!
That is spectacular and adorable. You should be proud of yourself for making that. I bet she is going to be the life of the party!
I’m so impressed!! Awesome!
I am really proud of you, Ashley. You did an awesome job in making the costume! How does Savannah like the boots?
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