Christmas, birthday, and all the other stuff
I pretty much avoid the computer when I’m in Orlando, just checking my email and Facebook on my iPod Touch. I’m having too much fun to be on the computer. :-) We got back from Orlando last night, and had a lovely trip.
* We drove through Savannah as planned. We ended up only being able to drive through the city and not getting to stop and take any pictures, due to running out of time (story of our lives). It was fun to see it again, though!
* We arrived into Orlando around 7pm on December 23rd, in time to eat a mini-Christmas dinner with my family and open gifts with my brother and sister-in-law. They went to her parents for Christmas Day, so I was glad that we were able to work it out to have Christmas with them a few days early!
* We went to St. Andrew’s Chapel (R.C. Sproul’s church) for the Christmas Eve service, which was lovely. They have a traditional service with classical music and hymns and Scripture readings and candlelight, which is exactly how I love Christmas Eve services to be. Also, Dr. Sproul’s message was a good reminder, entitled Saved From What?. “If you don’t believe in the wrath [of God], you have no reason to be excited at Christmas.”
* After the service, we were hungry so we stopped at Denny’s. We ended up having a miserable time because Savannah started crying and wouldn’t stop. We had to scarf down our food separately and left without the nice evening we were hoping to have. This is the first time we’ve had to leave somewhere because of her, and I know it’s only the beginning.
* We went to my grandparents’ on Christmas morning and opened presents. Then we had Christmas dinner at the dining room in their retirement community. It was a delicious meal and I think my family enjoyed not having to cook!
* On my birthday, we went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch, then went to the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, which is a center that treats injured or orphaned birds of prey, and releasing as many as they can back into the wild. Those who can’t survive in the wild live at the center, and you can go see them and learn about them. It was really neat! That evening, my parents watched Savannah and Paul and I had a date night at Ruby Tuesday’s (love that restaurant!) where I enjoyed my first alcoholic beverage since becoming pregnant. A wonderful birthday.
* On Sunday (the 27th), we had wonderful lunch with Joanna – it was so nice to see her! For dinner my parents made my favorite – beef-a-roni, yummy. I love spending time with my family!
* We left yesterday – Monday – to return to Atlanta. We ended up getting a late start due to not being able to find Ebony (we were about to just leave without her!), but she showed up right as we were walking out the door. It only took us 8 hours to get back to Atlanta, because we tried to limit our unnecessary stops. (Going from Savannah to Orlando, it took us 6 hours and we stopped 4 times! That’s ridiculous, especially because every time was for us and not because the baby was fussy.)
* Today and tomorrow are catch-up days – taking down Christmas decorations, getting stuff done on our to-do list. Paul goes back to work on Thursday, the 31st. I like having him around!
I hope your Christmases were just as nice as ours was!