when trials come
Originally published on September 19th, 2006 at Onward & Upward
I have been out the past week or so because I’ve actually been quite sick! I’m all better now, thanks to the nice doctors in the emergency room. :-) I don’t have anything insightful to share from my weekend in the sickbed, except that I have a wonderful husband who sure knows how to step up to the plate and take care of me! He is truly wonderful, and I feel like I can’t tell him that enough! :-)
This morning I read the blog post of a friend from college. She had some pretty insightful things to share, something I think all of us can understand and relate to. So please hop over to The Alien Princess and read about “When Trials Come”. An excerpt:
So what do we do when the dreams we have of a perfect life fall apart? First, cling to God. There you can find peace and comfort and joy, despite the pain. Second, take a look at the situation, with God and other believers you are close to, and see what happened. Was this your fault? Was it the sinful world’s? Was it God’s way to grow you? Third, be open to learn whatever God has to teach you, so that you can become more like Him.
Thank you for the reminders, Kristen! I think that is something I am constantly forgetting: that times of trial are an opportunity to get closer to my Father. I just want to struggle and shout “It’s not fair!” However, when I let God work in me then amazing things can happen!
EDIT: Be sure to also read a followup post, Trials Part 2.