happy Memorial Day!
It’s been an exciting and productive weekend so far! Paul had to work Saturday, so I spent the day running errands and doing laundry. I also had the chance to clean my room (finally!). I finished the thank-you notes for the wedding shower we had a few weeks ago, and that evening Paul and I stamped and sealed the invitations! Yesterday we dropped them all off at the post office. It’s very exciting. :-)
On Saturday I redeemed a gift certificate I had for a manicure & pedicure. That was an interesting experience. I think, in retrospect, I really wish I had gone with someone who was more experienced than me in this area. I didn’t know the procedure and I felt awkward. I was unimpressed with the manicure – I don’t have long nails to work with, mostly – but the pedicure was oh so nice! I enjoyed being girly. And I have bright pink/purple polish on my toes now. Just in time for Joanna’s wedding. ;-)
Speaking of Joanna’s wedding – that’s this Saturday! I’m really excited. I got to talk to Joanna this weekend as I was trying to make sure I had everything I need, and I thoroughly enjoyed that. I also realized I only have a three-day week this week because I am leaving on Friday for Indiana. :-) I am looking forward to this little break, and seeing some Taylor folk again, and of course seeing Joanna get married!
Paul and I are trying to get my car in the shop this weekend while I’m gone so I can get a few things taken care of before I head up to Michigan on June 16th for Ann & David’s wedding. I hope it’s nothing too serious, or too expensive. :-( I’m trying to be better about taking care of things when they aren’t right, instead of just letting them go. The same goes with my body – as soon as the wedding is over, I am going to make an appointment with a doctor. I’m wondering if all these symptoms – the headaches, the dizziness, the fainting – are all related. :-/
Okay this is a long, eclectic post. :-) I am going to go enjoy the rest of my holiday now! Happy Memorial Day, ya’ll!