I'll Be Home for Christmas
This past weekend was quite exciting and busy, and something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time now. Last August, I decided to sing in my church’s Christmas cantata as a way to meet people, have something to do, and indulge in a little hobby. People who’ve known me since high school may not know my singing background… I actually was really big into singing in middle school/early high school. I even took voice lessons for a little while. For two summers in middle school I participated in a musical theater camp that put on a fairly sophisticated production. The first year we did Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (by Andrew Lloyd Webber), and the next year we did Brigadoon.
But I digress. I was very excited about this particular musical because it was entitled “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” and took place at the beginning of World War 2. I think I’ve mentioned before that that is my favorite time period. :-) I really enjoyed singing, and my whole family – mom, dad, bro, sis, and g-ma – all came up for it. Also, my dear friends the Garrisons came down! It was a grand old time.
My sister, me in my 40’s outfit, my brother, and my mom
Susan, me, Hannah in my apartment after the cantata
I had a great weekend, but it was too short. My parents left after church on Sunday – yes, I sang Sunday morning too – and we had one more performance of the cantata on Sunday night. My voice is so tired! I am glad it’s over, but I’m going to miss the songs and the people. I’ve decided to join the choir, but I much prefer practicing for a specific event rather than practice for each Sunday. Oh well. :-) I do love to sing, and I’m so glad my church has a choir I can be involved in. Now I just need to learn to read music and that would make my job much easier. :-p