mass email
This morning I sent a mass email to everyone in my address book with my new address. If you didn’t get it, then that probably means I don’t have your email address!! So drop me a line – either comment or use the “email link” to the right – and give me your addy, and I will make sure you get more than you ever wanted to know. :-)
In other news, the move went well. My place is an absolute wreck but at least I can sit on the couch, sleep in my bed, and use the kitchen. My cats seem to be doing okay although I think they’re bored. Poor babies. :-( It will take them a few days to get used to not being in a big house with 4 people and a dog, and a nice big screened porch with lots of geckos.
I should get my internet working at my apartment later this week! I am looking forward to being able to be online again. Now my lunch break is over so no more blogging for Ashley. :-)