Today is MOVING DAY!! :-D Hooray! I signed my lease yesterday, and received two new, shiny, gold keys which are for my apartment! During my lunch break today, I moved all my stuff that’s in Atlanta right now into my apartment. I was completely exhausted after doing that. Fortunately, someone will be helping me with the rest of my stuff when my family comes tonight.

As we speak, my mom, sister, brother, and cats are headed north with most of my things from Orlando. They should arrive around 9:00 tonight. My cousin and uncle are bringing my couch this evening, so we’ll have somewhere to sit. :-) As soon as I get out of work I will be heading to WalMart to buy some basic essentials and food for all the people who are coming over this weekend.

As soon as I get internet hooked up, I’ll be sending a mass email with my new address and phone numbers. So if you don’t get it, let me know!

Today I was reprimanded for taking my shoes off and walking around the office. :-( *sigh* Stupid shoes… dress shoes at that! Uncomfortable. Feet shouldn’t be confined like that. Oh well. The things I do to get a paycheck. ;-)

By the way, thanks to everyone for your helpful comments about cars! My uncle has the Consumer Reports car magazine, and my mom has a subscription to it online that I can use. I think my best bet is paying cash now and then in a few years when I know I can afford it, investing in something better. I don’t need to get myself more in debt right now.

I miss my family! But I get to see (most of) them tonight!!! Only 4 (or more) hours!

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