bye bye, website
I went through and deleted all the stuff that I didn’t need anymore, and then realized that I didn’t have any way to check the size. So I decided to see how many megabytes for my portfolio alone – since that would be the minimum. *sigh* It’s 17 MB… which means I can’t really have anything else except for that.
Now I’m trying to decide. Do I get rid of my personal website? I like the design, but it’s pretty outdated. Should I pay for some webspace on someone else’s server? Do I try to fit as much as possible on the webspace we get with our ISP here? How many people actually go to my personal website anyways?
So yeah, things to think about, decisions to make. Out of respect for the CSS department, I need to decide soon. But I think I’ll wait until after Paul leaves… I need to focus on him this weekend. :-) Yay! He’ll be here in three hours!! I’m excited.
By the way, please pray for Paul. He’s going through some really tough times right now. More than ever he needs to feel God’s almighty control, even when prospects look bleak.