a graphic designer's addiction
You Know You’re Addicted to Photoshop When…
- You see the world with one eye and stock images with the other.
- When asked what the primary colors are, answer “CMYK”
- You get the urge to “fix” poor quality images.
- You ramble about a breakthrough in the piece you’re doing to people who have no idea what you’re talking about
- You ponder the meaning of existence without layers.
- You drop something and your brain tells you automatically “Apple-Z! Apple-Z!”
- You’re getting dressed for something important and you look in the mirror and realize you would look so much better if you could just tweak the levels a little and apply a slight gaussian blur.
- You stop on the street to rant about cheesey effects that should not be on professional posters.
- You scream out fonts as they appear on TV.
- You have dreams in “glowing edges”
- You’re standing by the ocean and wondering who used Ocean Ripple.