the lamb
God, thanks for people like Bethany. She reminds me that I do want to continue to seek You. Please continue to bring those types of relationships in my life.
I think I’m understanding the idea of the depravity of man, and the Calvinistic view that we can’t reach out to You in our own sin. I like the image of a lamb, trying to jump into his master’s arms. He can’t do it; it’s too high. He has to wait for the master to come down and pick him up. But if the lamb is trying to jump and jump, the master can’t pick him up. The lamb has to stop, acknowledge his own limitations, and let the master pick him up before he can be held to the master’s heart.
I’m the lamb, Father. I’m trying to hard to reach You on my own. I need to learn to stop and let You reach down and pick me up and draw me close to You.