bridesmaid dresses, anyone?
Looking through catalogs of bridesmaid dresses just isn’t the same when you’re by yourself…
Today my mom and sister and I went to David’s Bridal and I got to try on dresses. I had fun and it was good bonding time with my mom and sister. My sister leaves tomorrow for Colorado, where she will be working at a summer camp for three months. It’s going to be weird not having her around.
It’s been kind of lonely around here. I start work next week, hooray for some activity. Going to David’s Bridal today was the first time I’ve been outside my house since arriving here Monday night. I miss having Joanna here in Orlando. And last summer Paul was here too. I miss him a lot, more than I care to think about. Soon! Eight months or so! Then together forever… hooray! I’m sure my roommate (ex-roommate :-() knows exactly how I feel – only more so. :-)
I think I will help my sister pack. Ah, diversion. :-)