messy suite
i reached the end of my rope today. i was so fed up with the mess in our suite… it drives me crazy, and i hate not being able to spend time out there… this isn’t something new nor something i’ve never done before, but today i cracked. i pulled out one of my boxes and put all the things in the suite into the box. then i vacuumed and dusted. cleaning makes me happy and destresses me, i think, because i felt a lot better when i had finished. i just hate being the only one who cleans. i wonder now if i did the right thing, or if i just overreacted. i think other people like the suite clean too… we all live in it. i know it’s so close to the end of the year, but i just want it to look nice.
today also i took my frog back to petsmart. he wasn’t eating and i was afraid he was going to die. it made me soo sad… i decided not to get another one for now; maybe this summer. i think only pet lovers will understand… but i really felt down after driving away with no more frog. :-(