Keeping focused despite sickness
So far, 2016 has been plagued with sickness – all mine. I think the past 6.5 years of inconsistent sleep, and especially the past 16 months, plus months of eating out while we were renovating our house, have caught up with me. I got my wisdom teeth out right before New Years, and it took 2 weeks to recover. Thankfully I’m out of pain now but I was worried there for a bit! I’ve also had a really hard time getting back in the swing of things after Christmas break. I have to take Caroline to preschool every morning and it’s been such a struggle when the temps are in the high 20s! I’ve been wrestling with insomnia, and being so tired all day that I don’t have the energy to get things done. I think my body just needs to reset but it’s going to be miserable for a few days while I adjust.
Last night I think I had a gall bladder attack – I got them a few times after Savannah was born but they stopped. Then I got a migraine around the same time (related or not related?) and have struggled with that all day. It’s almost gone now, but I’m wide awake at 2:30am due to sleeping all evening.
Because of this, I’m more operating in survival mode right now instead of trying to work on my goals. But, that is life and I think the point is not to give up but pick up again when things are better.
I have been trying to keep up with my daily devotions. I think I’m getting into a routine that I like. I’m also trying to surround myself with positive and godly things – like listening to Christian music and following positive/godly pages on Facebook. When I come across an image with words that I find challenging or thought provoking, I save it to my phone, for future reference. I think these have all been good changes.
That being said, I actually haven’t done my Bible reading yet tonight so I should go do that now. :-)
P.S. I’m really bad at blog titles. Can I just call them “update #1” and so on? :-p