Caroline Serenity arrived safely on July 18th, 2012 at 5:27am. She weighed 7lbs and 2.5oz and was 19 inches long. She has loads of dark hair just like her big sister. :-) Birth story to follow shortly, as well as better pictures once I get my camera.

6 thoughts on “welcome, Caroline!”
YEAH!!! :) Congratulations:) She seems to look quite a bit like her sister’s baby photos:)!
She does!! I will have to do some side-by-side comparison pictures when I get a chance.
Congratulations! Of course, since she came 2 weeks early, I haven’t finished her blanket yet–mostly because I misplaced all my yarn during my move last month and just found it again (and here I was thinking I was OK since I still had a couple week left to finish it) :)
Caroline is beautiful! And I lover her middle name, too ;) Are you pronouncing it with a long “i” sound–like Carolina without the “a”?
Tell Paul that Doug and I think he should get a license to deliver babies ;)
Many hugs all around!
Just saw this as I’m behind in my blog hopping! Congratulations! And you already know I love the name. :-)
Beautiful! I didn’t see these when I read her birth story (obviously, if you couldn’t tell by my comment :) ). Is it me or does she look a LOT like Savannah?
It’s not just you!! I keep wanting to call her Savannah. I need to post some comparison pictures.
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