I miss Christmas music

I miss Christmas music

I realized today that the past few years, I haven’t been involved in any sort of Christmas production – cantata, play, pageant, etc. That was something I grew up doing, and I miss it! Every year around Christmas I realize how much I miss singing, but I have no idea how to find these kinds of places, especially for someone who just likes choral singing and isn’t trained or a strong singer. Also, generally Christmas productions start early – September or so – and I never think of it until December. Maybe next year?

Anyway, I am trying to get my “fix” on Christmas music by enjoying YouTube videos. I love Handel’s Messiah, and I especially enjoy the Hallelujah Chorus (I know, that’s cliche, but it’s true!). So enjoy these two “flash mobs” from last year…

One thought on “I miss Christmas music

  1. I love, love, lOVE the Hallelujah Chorus! Wouldn’t that be fun to be somewhere when a group did this?? Thanks for a great pick-me-up this morning. :-)

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