Well, it’s been almost a week since I wrote. Phew!
It’s quiet in my house. I like the quiet, after everyone has gone to bed. I can think finally! I have a load going in the dryer and that makes me happy and feels like an accomplishment!
I actually got a lot accomplished today, which is a nice change. I spent some time in Savannah’s room. I needed to do a wardrobe switch – put away the 12 month, too-small clothes… organize the 18 month clothes… pull out the summer 24 month clothes just in case she fits into them by the end of the summer. Then, a friend came by and brought her lawn mower for me to borrow so we wouldn’t get a citation from the city. I was so appreciative! Ours has a bent blade that we need to fix but Paul is either working or sick these days, and I’m still resisting learning about all these traditionally-men’s-job things. My friend also watched Savannah while I mowed, which of course is the safer way to do that rather than wear her on my back. :-) It’s nice to have a nicely trimmed yard again!
On Monday I went to my PCP to ask him about my migraines. I got a prescription for Imitrex so hopefully that will stop the ER visits. On Tuesday, I had a busy day planned out but as I was leaving Savannah’s PT appointment, my shoe broke beyond repair (and wearability) and so I ended up going home and not getting my errands done. I don’t have much time between the end of PT and her naptime, and definitely didn’t have time to go home and get new shoes and then run my errands. I was actually more frustrated by the fact that my favorite pair of flip flops broke! I need to find a new pair.
It’s been a pretty uneventful week. And I’m a little tired at this point, so I’m not really sure what else to say! Besides, I should probably get to bed. I have several cloth-diapering related posts in my mind that I hope to write up soon and post. Because I know you all are clamoring for more of those! :-)
2 thoughts on “tonight”
Speaking of doing traditionally-men’s-jobs… I spent last night under our car helping Josh install a hitch. Even though I wasn’t doing anything mechanical, it was kind of empowering, not being afraid to get my hands dirty anymore. The push mower, I’m OK with- my mom was equally as likely to mow the lawn as my dad growing up- but the riding mower still intimidates me :)
By the way, I don’t mean MOWING the lawn – I’m fine with that – it’s more the FIXING of the lawn mower that I don’t like. I have no interest in learning that kind of stuff (machines and the like).
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