ice storm, day 3
The snow hit late Sunday night. It came fast, big fluffy flakes. The next day I measured and it was as deep as almost 5″ in some places in our yard!
Monday, Day 1
Paul drove into work in the morning. He said it wasn’t too bad – he was the only one on the road. I stayed indoors. It had stopped snowing, so I bundled Savannah up and took her outside. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her hat (I later found it in the car, which Paul had taken to work) so I didn’t want to spend too much time in the cold. It started sleeting, and we headed indoors. I spent my day playing with Savannah and watching JAG. As the temperatures dropped, the sleet covered everything in ice. Paul was going to take the train home, but the buses weren’t running so he would have had to walk home from the station (about 1.5 miles). He ended up driving, which he said was slow and tedious. He saw a truck jackknife in front of him! Scary! We were cozy at home in the evening, looking forward to Castle night. We were very upset that our local station pre-empted it to show weather updates instead!
Tuesday, Day 2
Schools and businesses remained closed the second day. Savannah’s physical therapist called to say the PT office was closed and we would have to reschedule the appointment. Paul walked to the train station in the morning to get to work – it took him about 45 minutes. I started to get a bit of cabin-fever. I took another walk with Savannah – this time, more around out neighborhood. I noticed the ice and snow were starting to melt. Some of the neighbors with shovels are trying to break up the ice in the road to help with the cars. Our roads were pretty bad, especially this one that runs in front of our house that has a small hill. All day I watched cars spin out as they try to get up. None ended up in the ditch, but it seemed a bit scary to me. I called Paul to see if he could pick up some dinner on the way home – we’re running low on food, as I am used to shopping every day and I definitely didn’t expect to be snowbound so long. However, despite repeated reminders, Paul forgot. :-( He passes 4 fast food restaurants on his walk home, and all were closed. Bummer! At this point, I was starting to go crazy being stuck at home with only Savannah to keep me company. Also, I got a bad headache. When Paul got home around 7, I begged him to take Savannah while I laid down. He brought me some dinner which helped, and after putting Savannah down for bed I was able to walk around and function like a normal person.
Wednesday, Day 3
Today is the third day of being homebound, with schools and many businesses still closed. People are getting restless and cranky! I am so thankful that we haven’t lost power at all. I am also thankful that as long as we have power and water, I will not be running out of diapers. I’ve seen some Facebook updates of people running out of diapers and formula! I really want to get to a store, though! A lot of snow melted yesterday, but all the water froze overnight and everything remains icy. I went for a walk with Savannah and the sidewalks were so icy that I turned around and came home again. I was going to try and walk to a store, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it (at least with Savannah). I don’t really *need* it yet, so it’s okay. They’re saying it should warm up tomorrow, with Friday being in the low 40’s and hopefully will melt all the ice! Stores should be able to restock on Saturday or so, and I am anxious to get past this and on with our lives!
Now, before you make fun of southerners, please keep the following in mind:
1) Ice is dangerous. This isn’t a snow storm that we’re all freaking out about.
2) I read today that Atlanta has 58 vehicles working to clear roads. From watching the news, I take it that a lot of those are construction vehicles that aren’t typically used for snow/ice removal. I’ve been told Atlanta has only like 4 salt/sand trucks. To compare: New York City has 1700 snow plows and 365 salt trucks. Now, NYC is much bigger but Atlanta’s no small town.
3) It snows only once or maybe twice a year. Since the city shuts down, we don’t usually have to worry about going anywhere. We don’t know how to drive on icy roads.
4) Most of us don’t have snow tires, chains, snow boots, or other gear like that. There really isn’t even a need for snow shovels, though quite a few of our neighbors have them.
Some pictures:
The street in front of our house
Icicles hanging from our roof!
And this is a fun video of a street that runs through downtown Atlanta. It was solid ice, and people were taking advantage!
2 thoughts on “ice storm, day 3”
That ice IS ridiculous, but it DOES crack me up that you wrote a detailed blog about it. :)
Well what else am I going to do while I’m sitting at home twiddling my thumbs? :-)
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