the day I finally got motivation to clean
All this week I haven’t felt well which has made it hard to get motivated to clean the house for our guests on Christmas Day! But today, the day before Christmas Eve, it all came together.
Paul is off work for a few days. It’s nice to have him on vacation with no travel plans. He watched Savannah for me while I ran some errands this morning. I got the final part of his present, picked up a gift card, and mailed the last two Cheistmas cards.
Oh yes, the Christmas cards. Earlier this week I emailed our annual Christmas letter to everyone I thought would be interested. I had a lot of fun designing it, knowing that I didn’t have to worry about printing limitations. I included a page of pictures from this past year which was fun too. Then I had our Christmas cards printed at Walgreens and mailed them to a select few. This ended up being a good compromise, especially because we don’t have a printer so I was able to get by with just handwriting the cards. I ran by the post office for stamps yesterday (the 22nd) and got the cards in the mail that evening.
Back to today. I got a bad headache around lunch and had to lay down. Poor Paul got stuck with Baby Duty again, for which I was grateful. He went Christmas shopping, and when he got back I made a list of the food for Saturday and we left again for Kroger. I was already starting to feel better, and getting out was good.
After coming home, Paul made dinner and I was finally bit by the cleaning motivational bug. I started with the dining room and tried to do a thorough job, pulling furniture away from walls to get all the cat hair. The table is now set for Saturday and it looks so pretty! I’ll have to take a picture.
I didn’t want to stop to eat, so Paul started on the living room which is really the worst of all the rooms. He made a pretty good dent before I ran out of steam and put Savannah to bed and then ate dinner. I started some laundry (haven’t done it in a while – we were getting desperate!) and we watched the Leverage episodes from last Sunday.
I was going up go to bed (it was about 2am) but then I remembered that tomorrow is trash day. I’m all mixed up because of Paul being off work today. We had several bags full because of all the cleaning and sorting, so I wanted to make sure not to forget. I decided while I was at it to clean out the fridge. It needed it! I also did a sweep of the house to look for anything that needed thrown out and hadn’t found its way to a trash can yet. Our house looks so much better!
It’s now after 4:30am and I’m just now crawling to bed. I’m excited because it’s technically Christmas Eve! Tomorrow is more cleaning, a few more loads of laundry, and preliminary cooking. And of course, my favorite part – the evening Christmas candlelight service! I am so excited!
Merry Christmas Eve!