packing, cleaning, and sorting

packing, cleaning, and sorting

Well our apartment is slowly getting packed up. I felt like last Saturday I got a lot done. Yay! There is still a lot more, and I’m hoping to find time in the next few days to do that. It is challenging because Wednesday evenings I have discipleship group and Thursday evenings I have choir. Also, because I’m hoping to take a half day on Friday so I can go sign my lease, I’m having to work 9 hours every day to make up for the missed time. It’s been difficult. :-/

Last Monday (as in a few days ago), Paul had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out. The doctor kinda freaked me out because he was trying to prepare me for “worst case scenario”. By working 12 1/2 hours on Friday, I was able to get a few hours on Monday off to take Paul to the doctor for the outpatient surgery. Then Paul’s brother came up and sat with Paul while I hurried to work. I was so appreciative that he was willing to do that! The doctor didn’t want Paul by himself that day in case complications developed.

Paul, of course, is fine. Around midday I got a text message saying that his brother had gotten restless and so they went for a drive – with Paul driving. Then when they got home, Paul decided to go ahead and go to his discipleship group. Silly boy! I was totally expecting him to be in bed all day, sleeping and recovering. He is pretty medicine-averse and has difficulty swallowing pills, needing to take them in yogurt to get them down. So, he decided this morning to stop taking the Advil. Yep – he didn’t even fill the prescription painkillers! I told him I was going to make him birth all our children, because obviously he can handle pain much better than me.

I, on the other hand, was a basket-case. Seeing his mouth full of blood made me so physically nauseous. I struggled a lot more than he did with this whole surgery!

So yeah, Paul’s fine now. I’m grateful that he wasn’t laid up all week and tomorrow he can help with the packing! I haven’t even started the kitchen packing yet, bleh.

On Monday while I was in the waiting room, I made a to-do list that’s actually been quite helpful. I’ve been making a lot of phone calls, from setting up utilities to renting a truck. I also made reservations to board the kitties in a local kennel. Kitties + moving = bad combination! I’m trying to be on top of things with this move. We have several wonderful friends who are giving up their Saturday to help us move, and I want to respect their time by being organized!

We’re moving into a one-bedroom so we’re having to downsize considerably. As you probably guessed from my previous post, I’ve been utilizing Craigslist quite a bit. I’ve been able to get rid of almost everything at this point; anything else is going straight to Goodwill. It’s a little sad to only have one bed now, but in the end it will be good for us! I don’t want to go into too many details in this public forum, but if you’re interested in floorplans and such, just send me an email and I’ll send you a link to their website. (I LOVE floorplans, I think they’re so much fun to look at! Hence why I offer. In case anyone else is crazy like me.) After we move I’ll try to take pics and post them here.

Okay this blogging isn’t helping my sleepiness. I think I’ll go throw some stuff into boxes.

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