guess what I haven't been doing lately
…And that is blogging.
I can’t believe it’s been 8 days since my last post. What’s crazy is I didn’t even notice the time go by. I have been so incredibly busy! Now that it’s September, we’re starting our normal routine stuff for the school year. Here’s what our schedule looks like for now:
Sundays: Sunday School class and church (more on this below). Twice a month, I sing in the choir for both services on Sunday morning.
Mondays: Paul has his discipleship group (a small group with our church that is a cross between a Bible study and accountability group)
Tuesdays: NOTHING! Which also turns into “play catch-up day”
Wednesdays: Meeting at 5pm, then my discipleship group at 7:30pm. (I wish it fell on the same day as Paul’s but… oh well)
Thursdays: Choir for me
Fridays: Nothing again! Hang out with friends time?
Saturdays: Twice a month I have to sing with the choir at the Saturday evening service at church.
Here’s what else is going on right now:
We are hoping to be more frequent attenders of our Sunday School class. We kinda slacked off last year at this time, but it seems we have more friends this year so maybe that will help. Also, our Sunday School split into two classes: the newlyweds (married under 3 years) and the “young families” (married 3+ years and/or either pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or have infants/toddlers at home). We kinda could go both ways as far as which class to attend; right now we’re in the young families since that’s where most of our friends are, but we of course are still just the two of us and have only been married for 2 years. I do like that there’s a place for people to go once a baby arrives because last year it seemed that people who had kids felt like they had to stop coming to the newlyweds Sunday School class.
We are moving! (Did I mention that?) We’re moving on September 27th, so I am (supposedly) in the throes of packing, sorting, and cleaning. The packing hasn’t happened yet but the sorting and cleaning has. We are trying to downsize, so we’re selling and giving away a bunch of stuff. I’ve been utilizing Craigslist for the selling part, as well as a huge black trash bag for all the papers we’re sorting through. :-) Wow, we have a lot of junk!
We are continuing to watch our 100 movies. Our most recent was The Graduate. Interesting movie – I think I’m still processing it. I wish I had someone I could talk to more analytically about these movies. I’m just not good at pondering them by myself. Next up is Chinatown. I’ll finally get to learn why Jake has to forget it.
I really want to change my blog template but I haven’t had time recently. I’m bored of this one, though. Too much yellow. (I still love the cat at the top though.) If you see a good WordPress template that you think I might like, send it to me!
Last week was a stressful week at work. That’s all I can to say about that.
I kinda had a mental breakdown last week. I am so tired, all the time. All this traveling and go-go-going is wearing on me I think. I told Paul that we’re not going to make any more commitments until after October. Right now there is too much going on. I am just praying that I make it until then without really breaking down!
Okay that’s enough time spent on my blog. I hear Paul in the guest room, so I will join him in packing/cleaning/sorting. Only two weeks to get it all ready to move! *gulp*