bring your own coke
UPDATE TO ADD: I just realized that the title sounds not how I intended. It’s a playoff of “Bring Your Own Bottle”.
I have a confession to make.
I LOVE Coke. Any Coke works (Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, also known as “soda”), but my favorite is classic Coke. Paul and I keep our fridge regularly stocked with Coke for me and Diet Coke for him (Diet Coke is not Coke. blech). I drink usually one a day, though I like to fool myself and pretend I drink one every two days.
Anyways, as part of my new year’s goal to lose weight and save money, I have decided to only buy one 12-pack a month. That averages out to a little less than 1 every two days. Paul has decided to only drink his on weekends (Saturdays-Mondays for him), so it averages out the same. So we start in January – one pack of each was bought on Dec. 31st and it’s supposed to hold out until February.
Well, last night a friend came over for dinner. We didn’t have much to drink – water, milk, Coke. Yes, Coke. Oh you’d like some Coke? Any chance you want Diet Coke? I ask. Nope, regular Coke works for me. I try not to seem too dejected. Paul walks into the kitchen and pulls out the Coke. I know what he’s going to find – because you see, y’all, prior to last night, there were only two cans left. I know, it’s only January 10th. So maybe I have more than one a day.
I didn’t say anything, just poured myself a glass of milk and watched our friend drink my Coke. After dinner we sat around talking. Then he gets up and says, “Mind if I have another one?”
Another one.
Folks, you guessed it. I said nothing and tried to smile as my very last Coke for the month was drunken. It wasn’t his fault – we offered, he accepted. He had no clue that I was on a self-imposed diet. He didn’t even know it was mine.
So now I want to know. Can I buy myself two more Cokes? Can I just screw this diet and figure another 12-pack in my next shopping trip? And the big question, am I a horrible person if I don’t offer my guests any Coke?
What else do you normally have to drink, anyways, besides milk and water?
(Oh and if you think I could keep cans of Coke reserved for “guests only” sitting around and never touch them, then you don’t know how undisciplined I am. Or why I need to go on a diet. :-))
Can you tell I’m craving a Coke right now??