yes, we are crazy
So last Tuesday I drove up to North Carolina to pick up my sister from school. I listened to “The Handmaiden and the Carpenter” (which I don’t recommend) on the way up, and walked around the campus for about an hour and a half while my sister got checked out of her room. We loaded the car and were back in Atlanta by 6. After dinner we sat around talking about what time we should leave to Orlando the next morning.
Somehow, and I’m not even sure how or why, we made the decision to leave at 2am. So, we packed the car and left. I took the first shift, from 2am to 5am. It was an interesting night. Adrenaline and Mountain Dew kept me alert and awake, and Amy and Paul split the rest of the drive. We made it to Orlando at 9am and went to bed. My parents didn’t know the change in plans, so I had fun calling them and telling them that I was sitting in their living room. :-)
Tonight is my brother’s rehearsal dinner. My mom and I are getting our nails done in a few hours and then we’ll load the car and leave to Gainesville. It should be a fun evening. Tomorrow is his wedding and then we’ll return to Orlando for some more family time before we go home to Atlanta.
This is a boring post; I’m sorry!