decorating for Christmas
Sorry for all the posts recently! As I mentioned before, Paul and I are celebrating Christmas this year by putting up a Jesse tree. We’re hoping that this daily reminder will keep our hearts focused on the right reasons for this season! I hope you enjoy the Scripture readings I am posting each day.
Paul took off from CNN Friday and Saturday, and it’s been wonderful having him home! We’ve been pretty busy with various things, like getting a Christmas tree!! On Friday we went to a Christmas tree farm up north of us and cut down our own tree. We got a Leyland Cypress tree, which was a first for us. We had fun cutting it down and then bringing it back to our apartment to decorate. However, in the process, we discovered that Paul’s apparently allergic to the sap as his hands broke out in rashes when we handled the tree. :-( So I had to decorate it by myself, but that was okay. It was still fun to pull out all the ornaments and hang them up.
While we were busy decorating, we put on my new Michael W. Smith Christmas CD! It’s pretty great. It’s a lot of instrumental, and reminded me of “The Nutcracker”. I love Christmas music, and this was the perfect background music for us while we decorated. So, if you’re looking for some fresh music this season, I suggest you check out that CD. :-)
We also went Christmas shopping this Christmas. I love walking around malls during Christmas! I’m also pretty happy with the gifts we’ve been able to find this year; hopefully everyone likes them. I love buying gifts for people! I think it’s so much fun, especially trying to find the perfect gift! :-p I know I’m silly.
I think we’re done decorating for now. I’ll take more pictures for the Christmas Tour of Homes coming up on December 17th!