spam emails
So, Joanna warned me about posting things to Craigslist. And she wasn’t wrong. Ever since I put an ad up on Craigslist I have been hit with SOO many phishing emails! Probably 2 or 3 a day. So lesson learned – get a special Craigslist email address. Or, just put your phone number.
Anyways, an email I got yesterday caught my eye as I was about to delete it. I read the whole thing. And laughed. And for your pleasure, I am reposting it here, word for word:
From: Bernard Sango
Subject: Can you handle itInvestment Joint Venture Proposal
My proposal is some thing you can handle irrespective of your area of specialization so long as you have investment experience.
My joint venture proposal is to know if you can assist us in investing some amount of money (USD) I inherited from my late father as a trustee / co beneficiary in any profitable joint venture as partners under your care.
I know it may be difficult for you to believe my proposal considering how I contact you and high rate of internet scam these days. That is the reason I couldn’t give you more than this information until you make up your mind.
It‘s quit unfortunate that some people takes advantage of others. You should know as well that if there is no original their will be no imitation or fake. I will appreciate if you can give us chance to prove our genuineness.
I wait for your response positive or negative. If positive, I will give you details. Do not fail to ask any thing you want me to clear you on when you reply.
Bernard Sango