Carnival of Beauty – here this week!
So I have been horribly remiss about participating in the Carnival of Beauty this summer, but I hope to be better! This week, the carnival is HERE! And it’s about the Beauty of Change (ah, a topic I know something about!). I’d love to see all of my readers participate, so here are the instructions:
Send an email to ashley @ by Thursday night. Since I’m up until all hours of the night, I’ll give everyone until midnight to get their submissions in. :-) (But I probably won’t write the CoB post until Friday so even if you’re late, email me anyways.) In your email, be sure to let me know:
1. Your first name
2. The name of your blog with the link
3. The name of your piece with the link
4. A brief one or two sentence description of your piece that will be in the listing of the Carnival submissions.
For other specifics on who can participate, go to the Carnival of Beauty page here. You can also join the Google Group where you can get updates and announcements about the CoB. I look forward to seeing a lot of people participate this week!