carnival of beauty

carnival of beauty

Some of you may remember that occasionally Beth and I participated in the Carnival of Beauty over at Onward & Upward. Amanda has posted some changes that are being made to the Carnival on her blog. One of the big things she did was to make a Google Group with all the information in one place. I’d encourage you to check it out and if you’re interested, be a group member!

What is the Carnival of Beauty? Well it’s a weekly carnival where various women write about the beauty of a certain topic. They publish their piece on their own blog and then email their link to the hostess. It’s a way for women to reflect the beauty of Christ through their writing, and for women to share in that together. It’s not difficult, and I’d encourage you to participate! Any Christian woman can participate as long as she has her own blog. More details are here.

The topics for the next four weeks are as follows. If you’re interested then check out the Google Group page to get all the submission information!

June 6: The Beauty of Strong Men
June 13: The Beauty of Truth
June 20: The Beauty of Babies
June 27: The Beauty of Humility

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