Gerig reunion page

Gerig reunion page

Okay, I have decided to make a page on this website for the Gerig reunion. It can be a central repository for ideas and current date and location. I even made a handy-dandy little graphic for my sidebar, so you can always click there to go to the page. Feel free to use the graphic on your blog or whatever; just link it back to

One thing I want to mention: I know not everyone is going to be able to make it, so my goal is to make it most convenient for everyone. There will be future reunions and hopefully you’ll be able to make next year’s. My dad got together with his Taylor buddies every year while we were in the States, and they made it work. That’s my desire. :-) I think as the years go on, we’ll settle into who normally is able to come and who isn’t, and we’ll find that those who come will make the time for it because we really enjoy it.

Biggest thing for now: How many people cannot make the July 13th-15th weekend? (Besides Frankie & Anna)

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