discussion topic for today
I have no time or energy to write in here these days. I have three drafted posts sitting here, waiting to be finished but I want to give them the proper attention instead of just posting in raw form (and if you knew my blogging habits well, you would know that I NEVER have drafted posts sitting around… They either get published the first run-through or never at all!).
If you miss me and want to catch up, feel free to call me. :-) Or IM me – I’m always online at ashalily26 (home) or twentysixcats (work). I always enjoy real-time conversations. (Letters are cool too but you probably won’t get a response until thank-you notes are done!)
So, while I’m gone, I encourage everyone to partake in a discussion about young women going to college. Since most of my female blog readers are college graduates, I thought you might have some different insights into the subject. There is a series on the subject on Lydia Hayden‘s blog, with the first post written by my dear friend Susan. I have some thoughts on the subject, but I will post them later (or, you can read something I wrote last December). For now, I encourage everyone to go read and comment on the post: “Young Women Attending College Part I”.