well, well, well
I feel like I have many little things to report, but none long enough to warrant their own post. So bear with me if this seems like many random thoughts. :-)
The good news is that Paul’s car is running again! The bad news is that the mechanic couldn’t find anything wrong with it. This means the car is unreliable, and Paul always needs an emergency contact person in case his car dies on his way to work (which is pretty much the only time he drives it). We are getting a new car soon – yay! We need to figure out logistics about that. Welcome to grown-up world. :-)
I have been trying to work on my blog quite a bit. I also updated the look and feel of my Xanga blog, and everyone should check it out. I’m quite proud of it! :-)
I am trying a few new features on the sidebar of this blog, if you haven’t noticed. Returning is my “currently reading” section, which hopefully will spur me to spend more time reading and relaxing. A new feature is the “Recent Comments” section which will be useful if someone comments on a past post. The “Elsewhere on the Blogosphere” section is brought to you by Google Reader. Now ya’ll can see the most recent posts on the other blogs I read. If for some reason someone doesn’t want his or her post to appear there, just let me know. It is really easy to remove it, so just drop me a comment or an email.
Some things missing from my sidebar are a list of categories and a list of monthly archives. I was afraid it was already too long; please let me know if you miss them and want me to add them back. Currently, you can access both by using the “archives” link at the top of the page. Any other comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Recently, Paul and I have been attempting to achieve our goal of watching most of the top 100 movies as ranked by the American Film Institute. (On a sidenote, AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Cheers is on this Wednesday for those who enjoy those programs. :-)) Last night we watched “The Godfather” which is #3 on the list. I told Paul, “I feel like I am now a complete person for having seen ‘The Godfather’.” Well that might not be true, but I understand a lot of references to that movie now – “Monday, Tuesday, Thursday…”. It was an interesting look into organized crime, to say the least. Paul and I want to use each movie we watch as a springboard for a more in-depth discussion about the topics and/or themes. I miss that kind of intelligent conversation.
If anyone resides in Atlanta and would like to join us for our periodic movie nights, please let me know. :-) I think up next is “Citizen Kane” and “Casablanca”, numbers 1 and 2 (respectively) on the list.
That’s all I have to say for now, since this post is getting long. More to come later, including promised post on “home”.
#3. The Godfather