new look
So I have been debating about getting a new look for my blog, as I had bored of the coffee cup theme. Last night, Paul and I went through a bunch of WordPress themes we found on the internet until we picked the one we liked the most. I downloaded it and changed my blog over, and wha-la! You now see a whole new different layout. I like it a lot, but I haven’t gotten a chance to mess around with it much. So be patient with me as I continue to tweak it, and let me know if you have any suggestions!
Also, on the subjects of blogs, Paul decided to set up a new blog! It looks really cool right now. He says he intends to keep this one up, but it will be all computer stuff (no day-to-day stuff). So, I guess you’ll have to come to my blog to know what he’s up to. :-) All you computer geeks out there should comment on his blog and encourage him to write more!
For those who are interested in Whitney’s recovery, you can follow her progress on her family’s blog.
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for a post on “home”, inspired by Becky’s blog. As you all know, this topic is near and dear to my heart. :-)