It’s been about a week since I blogged, and it’s been quite a week! I think I’m not going to be able to write here everything I want to say, but I have a feeling you don’t want to read it all. :-)
1) Last Friday night at 11:30pm I got a phone call from a dear Taylor friend saying that she and two other friends were an hour away! And wanted to stay with me! I was so surprised and spent a mad hour scrambling around trying to clean my apartment. I had let it get messy and there would have been nowhere for them to sleep. One of the girls coming was allergic to cats, and she planned to sleep on my porch. I enjoyed seeing them, though – I am so thankful that I happened to have enough food for breakfast!
2) On Sunday Paul came(!!!) It took him 17 hours to drive here, and no (for those who asked) he did not have to rent a UHaul – he was able to get everything in the back of his car. It is sooo nice to be with him again, but it feels a little weird. I feel like he’s here for a visit.
3) On Wednesday I squared things away with Ann, my roommate for the next four months! She’s excited about me coming which is good. I will be moving on Saturday into her house, and Paul will be taking over my apartment.
4) Also on Wednesday Paul picked me up from choir practice, and got to meet a lot of my friends from church. It was so much fun! They all came up to say hi and seemed happy to see him. I can’t wait until Sunday to introduce him to several of my other friends.
5) We have been practicing hard on our Easter Cantata! We are singing the cantata on Sunday and it’s really beautiful. It’s called “On a Hill Too Far Away”, and is inspired by a book of the same name. I think I will include some of the lyrics later because the words are just beautiful (the music is too, of course). I hope we do well – last Wednesday I felt like I was really off. I wish I had a piano or a keyboard at home so I can practice.
6) A funny anecdote from work: We had a dealer running an ad that was already designed; I don’t know if he is also a designer or what… Anyways, we get the PDF files for the ad, and it was the wrong size – 10.5″ x 8″. So I added black bars along the top and bottom to account for the size. (Since it’s a PDF I can’t really move anything around.) I sent him back a proof and he wasn’t too happy with the black bars. I explained (in an email) that the ad was the wrong size and that it needed to be 10″x11″, and so he said he would rework it, which he did. He sent me back new PDFs and said, “They are now the right size – 10.5″x10”. I was somewhat frustrated!! But fortunately it was close enough that I could stretch the image and it didn’t look too weird.
7) I have been working on a website for the past few months for a mattress company. We went live today! I am excited!
8) Now that Paul is here, I guess I have to start back again on wedding plans. *sigh* Not that I don’t want to do it, but I think it’s just frustrating to be constantly running into the budget issue. And I’m horrible at decisions! But I’ve had a lot of people offer to help, which is nice. I need to get organized so I can figure out where I actually need help.
9) Happy birthday to Tree! :-) I remember one year surprising her by writing “Happy Birthday Tree” on the mirror in the floor bathroom… I think she liked it. :-)
Okay that’s all for now. I shall try to update more often after this. :-) I still have a few topics in my head but they will wait for another day.